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Biology , NEB Biology, molecules and cell biology, Floral diversity, Introductory microbiology, Ecology
Biology grade 11
molecules and cell biology (15 hr)
1.1 Biomolecules: Introduction and functions of: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, minerals, enzymes and water.
1.2 Cell: Introduction of cell, concepts of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, detail structure of eukaryotic cells (composition, structure and functions of cell wall, cell membrane, mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, lysosomes, ribosomes, nucleus, chromosomes, cilia, flagella and cell inclusions.
1.3 Cell division : Concept of cell cycle, types of cell division (amitosis, mitosis and meiosis) and significances
2. Floral diversity (30 hr)
2.1 Introduction: Three domains of life, binomial nomenclature, five kingdom classification system (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia); status of flora in Nepal and world representation
2.2 Fungi: General introduction and characteristic features of phycomycetes, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes; structure and Reproduction of Mucor and Yeast, introduction of Mushrooms, poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, economic importance of fungi.
2.3 Lichen: General introduction, characteristic features and economic importance of lichen
2.4 Algae: General introduction and characteristic feature of green, brown and red algae; structure and reproduction of Spirogyra. Economic importance of algae
2.5 Bryophyta: General introduction and characteristic features of liverworts, hornworts and moss; morphological structure and reproduction of Marchantia. Economic importance of bryophytes
2.6 Pteridophyta: General introduction and characteristic features of pteridophytes; morphological structure and reproduction of Dryopteris. Economic importance of pteridophytes
2.7 Gymnosperm: General introduction and characteristic features of Gymnosperms; morphology and reproduction of Pinus. Economic importance of gymnosperm
2.8 Angiosperm: Morphology (root, stem, leaves, inflorescences, flowers and fruit); Taxonomic study: Definition, taxonomic hierarchy, classification systems (artificial, natural and phylogenetic) of angiosperms, taxonomic description of the families – Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Liliaceae with economic importance
3. Introductory microbiology (5 hr)
3.1 Monera: General introduction, structure of bacterial cell, mode of nutrition, bacterial growth; cyanobacteria (blue green algae).
3.2 Virus: General introduction, structure and importance of virus, bacteriophage
3.3 Impacts of biotechnology in the field of microbiology.
4. Ecology (11 hr)
4.1 Ecosystem ecology: Concept of ecology, biotic and abiotic factors, species interactions; concept of ecosystem, structural and functional aspects of pond and forest ecosystem, food chain, food web, trophic level, ecological pyramids, productivity, biogeochemical cycle - carbon and nitrogen cycles, concept of succession.
4.2 Ecological Adaptation: Concept of adaptation, hydrophytes and xerophytes.
4.3 Ecological Imbalances: Green house effects and climate change, depletion of ozone layer, acid rain and biological invasion.
5. Vegetation (3 hr)
a. Vegetation: Introduction, types of vegetation in Nepal, concept of In-situ (protected areas) and Ex-situ (botanical garden, seed bank) conservation.
Natural environment-vegetation and human activities
Part B: Zoology
6. Introduction to biology (2 hr) 6.1 Introduction to Biology: Scope and fields of biology. Relation with other science.
7. Evolutionary biology (15 hr)
7.1 Life and its Origin: Oparin-Haldane
theory, Miller and Urey's experiment.
7.2 Evidences of evolution: Morphological, Anatomical, Paleontological, Embryological and Biochemical.
7.3 Theories of evolution: Lamarckism, Darwinism & concept of Neo Darwinism.
7.4 Human evolution: Position of man in animal kingdom. Differences between new world monkeys & old world monkeys, apes & man. Evolution of modern man starting from anthropoid ancestor.
8. Faunal diversity (34 hr)
8.1 Protista: Outline classification. Protozoa: diagnostic features and classification up to class with examples; Paramecium caudatum, Plasmodium vivax - habits and habitat, structure, reproduction, life-cycle and economic importance of P. falciparum.
8.2 Animalia: Level of organization, body plan, body symmetry, body cavity and segmentation in animals. Diagnostic features and classification of the following phyla (up to class) with examples:Porifera, Coelenterata (Cnidaria), Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes (Nemathelminthes), Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata.
Earthworm (Pheretima posthuma): Habit and habitat, External features; Digestive system (alimentary canal & physiology of digestion), Excretory system (types of nephridia, structure and arrangement of septal nephridia), Nervous system (central & peripheral nervous system, working mechanism) & Reproductive systems (male & female reproductive organs), Copulation,Cocoon formation and Economic importance.
Frog (Rana tigrina): Habit and habitat, External features, Digestive system (alimentary canal, digestive glands & physiology of digestion), Blood vascular system (structure & working mechanism of heart), Respiratory system (respiratory organs & physiology of respiration) and Reproductive system (male & female reproductive organs).
9. Biota and environment (10 hr)
9.1 Animal adaptation: Aquatic (Primary & Secondary), Terrestrial (Cursorial, Fossorial & Arboreal) and Volant adaptation.
9.2 Animal behavior: Reflex action, taxes, dominance and leadership. Fish and bird Migration.
9.3 Environmental Pollution: Sources, effects and control measures of air, water and soil pollution. Pesticides & their effects.
10. Conservation biology (3 hr)
10.1 Conservation Biology: Concept of biodiversity, biodiversity conservation, national parks, wildlife reserves,conservation areas, biodiversity hotspots, wetland & Ramsar sites.
Wildlife-Importance, causes of extinction and conservation strategies. IUCN categories of threatened species- meaning of extinct, endangered, vulnerable, rare, and threatened species. Endangered species in Nepal.
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Krishna Sahani, MBBS Doctor | Instructor at BesideDegree A dedicated healthcare professional, I am Krishna Sahani, an MBBS graduate from Chitwan Medical College, awarded a full scholarship for my academic excellence. My journey in medicine began after completing my +2 education at St. Xavier College, maitighar,KTM. As a intern physician, my passion lies in providing compassionate care and improving the well-being of patients. Beyond clinical practice, I am an instructor at BesideDegree, where I share my knowledge and experience with aspiring medical professionals. My mission is to contribute to the field of healthcare through education and patient care, striving to make a positive impact on the lives of those I serve.